Stand With Tigray

About Us

Petition To EU

Our Mission

SWT’s mission is to also advocate for an immediate ceasefire and peaceful dialogues between warring factions while calling for unrestricted humanitarian access and independent investigations of war crimes. Due to the central Government of Ethiopia’s imposed communication blackout in the Tigray region, the Tigrayan Diasporas are not able to reach their families, journalists have restricted access to report on the war, and the people of Tigray are left voiceless. SWT Campaign aims to be that voice. Join the movement. #StopWarOnTIgray


#TigrayGenocide #StandwithTigray



“Western diplomatic failure looms large in the world’s forgotten catastrophe.” -Foreign Policy World leaders have failed #Tigray. Visit our site and take action today.

#StandWithTigray and help us end the ongoing genocidal war on Tigray.

“For almost 2 years, the Tigray region has been largely isolated & under a state of siege. Millions are in need of food & lack of supplies has pushed health systems to the brink of collapse.” #TigrayGenocide @SecBlinken @CNN @EUCouncil @JustinTrudeau @UN

“The US & EU, as well as the Security Council, should use the appropriate tools, including targeted sanctions & an arms embargo to protect civilians in Tigray” #TigrayGenocide @SecBlinken @SFRCdems @SenateForeign @IntlCrimCourt @NATO @ChrisCoons @EUCouncil

Civilians killed, residential houses demolished, survivors traumatized on a national holiday in #Tigray. Justice is long overdue for all #Tigrayans. STOP #TigrayGenocide END #TigraySiege @SecBlinken @SenateForeign @IntlCrimCourt @NATO @ChrisCoons @UN @CNN

Picture from aerial bombardment by Eritrean forces in #AdiDaero #Tigray Many of the casualties are buried in rubbles. @UNHumanRights @amnesty genocidal regimes in Ethiopia and Eritrea have continued their #TigrayGenocide campaign relentlessly.

How about you activate Starlink for Tigray while you are at it? The Ethiopian gov has cut off 7M ppl in Tigray from the rest of the world. @elonmusk

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